Analogous Colors - When you select a series of colors that sit next to one another on the color wheel, the resulting color
scheme is said to be analogous.
The key to a successful analogous color palette
is the amount of lightness, darkness, intensity, clarity, dullness, and in the
unbalance in the use of different colors on the wheel.
Analogous color scheme include both warm colors (yellow,
orange and red) and cool colors (green, blue and purple). However, more often
than not, interior designs will use color on one side of the color wheel;
either all warm or all cool colors. This method results in a harmonious design
that is very appealing to the eye.
Steps to Create a
Successful Analogous Color Palette
Here are the general
steps to creating your very own analogous color scheme.
Select a color to be
the predominating color in your scheme.
Select a secondary
color to be the next most important color.
3. Select a third color(s) (up
to six) to be accents throughout the room
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